Hilo High Army JROTC
Battalion Staff Team
The battalion command staff plays a crucial role in Army JROTC by providing leadership and guidance to the unit. Composed of the battalion commander, executive officer, command sergeant major, and other key positions, the command staff oversees unit operations and sets the tone for the entire program. Their responsibilities include planning and executing training events, organizing community service projects, and leading the unit in drill competitions and other events. A strong and effective command staff is essential for the success of the JROTC program and the development of future leaders.
Battalion Commander
C/LTC Mansanas

Aloha, I am C/LTC Zhenson Mansanas, I am a LET 3 this year. I serve as the Battalion Commander of Hilo High’s School JROTC 1st Viking Battalion, for the school year of 2023-2024. It is my duty to set goals for the battalion and achieve them, with the help of my fellow commanders and staff. My extracurricular activities primarily revolve around JROTC, as well as the Hilo High School’s Mathlete Team where I serve as the Secretary. I’ve been graced with this tremendous opportunity, and I will see it through.
Battalion Executive Officer
C/MAJ Yoshimura

Hello, I am C/MJR Kayden Yoshimura. I'm a senior and a LET 4. This year I am serving as the Viking Battalion Executive O. I supervise the primary staff from S-1 to S-6 and take charge of the Battalion commanders job in his absence. In my free time I enjoy watching videos and playing video games. I will do my best to ensure the staff team is performing to the best of their abilities, and keep our team cohesive and strong.
Battalion Command Sergeant Major
C/CSM Mohundro

Hi, I’m C/CSM Kyra Mohundro. I am a LET 4 in the Army JROTC program. Through this program, I have learned to communicate my thoughts better, how to be a good listener, and how to take initiative when it is needed. My job as CSM is to work with subordinate NCOs in order to accomplish missions, goals, and objectives established by our battalion's chain of command. I give input on the battalion goals and supervise our special teams. I look forward to the rest of this year with everyone.
The battalion primary staff is an integral part of Army JROTC and plays a key role in supporting the battalion commander and executive officer. Comprised of the adjutant, operations officer, supply officer, and other key positions, the primary staff assists in planning and executing unit operations, maintaining the unit's equipment and supplies, and ensuring the overall readiness of the battalion. Through their hard work and dedication, the primary staff helps to create a strong and effective JROTC program, while also developing valuable leadership and organizational skills.
Primary Staff

C/CPT Tavares
S-1 Adjudant/Personnel
I'm C/CPT Noelle Tavares. I am the S-1 for the Viking Battalion for the school year of 2023-2024. I do the promotions, demotions, awards, and sign-in / sign-up sheets for events. During my free time, I like to read and go to the beach with my friends. I am one of many lucky people to have the opportunity to be on the Viking Battalion Staff as the S-1. I hope everyone will have an Amazing school year.

C/CPT C/CPT Clariza
S-2 Intelligence/Security
I am C/CPT Clariza, the Intelligence & Security Officer (S2) for the Viking Battalion. As a committed member of our battalion’s staff, I play an important role in ensuring the operational readiness and success of our battalion through the collection, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence.

C/CPT Powell
S-3 Operations/Training
Good afternoon, I am C/CPT Darius Powell, and I am the Battalion S-3 officer for the Viking Battalion. I manage anything that is under operations and training. I take care of making training and PRT schedules. I manage and make most events that Jrotc does. For this year I am a part of KVIKS Media, Art Club, and Air Riflery. I hope to work with you all and have a great year.

C/CPT Murillo
S-4 Supply/Logistics
I am C/CPT Isis Murrillo, and my nickname is Dream. I am the JROTC S-4 Logistics and Supplies Coordinator and I am extremely dedicated to the success of JROTC. I have leadership experience, as I am the President of the Environmental Agents of Change, and I am fluent in Spanish and English. I am proud to be your S-4 this year!

C/CPT Randolph
S-5 Special Projects/Community Supt
My name is Cadet Captain Randolph, I am LET 2 and the battalion S-5. As the S-5, my responsibilities include planning the service learning project (SLP) and other various special projects. My winning colors are brown which represents a builder. As a builder, I like to get things done effectively and efficiently. This school year I will work diligently to ensure that our SLP will be the best it can possibly be.

C/CPT Inada
S-6 Communications/Social Media
Hello, I am C/CPT Caitlin Inada, the S-6 of the Viking Battalion and a LET 2. It is my job as S-6 to manage all Viking battalion social media accounts and the Hilo High JROTC website. I do Band, Air riflery, and KVIKS as my extracurriculars, and plan to do Judo later on this school year. I will do my best to fulfill my duties as a member of the command staff group and work together with my fellow staff members to make our Viking battalion operate at a smooth pace.

C/1LT Haunio
PAO Public Affairs/Social Media
(To Be Updated)
The Company Command staff is an essential component of Army JROTC and plays a critical role in supporting the company commander. Composed of the first sergeant, class leaders, and other key positions, the command staff assists in planning and executing unit operations, maintaining the company's equipment and supplies, and ensuring the overall readiness of the company. By effectively carrying out their duties and responsibilities, the command staff helps to develop a strong and cohesive team, while also fostering individual leadership and organizational skills among the cadets.
Company Command Staff

C/CPT Mangoba
Alpha Company Commander
I'm Cadet Captain Mangoba, proudly serving as Hilo High School's JROTC Alpha Company Commander. My primary duty is to ensure the well-being of every cadet within my company and facilitate seamless communication from our battalion command staff. Beyond JROTC, I actively participate in Key Club, Filipino Club, Kviks, and Deca Club. I am honored to lead this year and am committed to making it memorable and successful for our battalion. Thank you for entrusting me with this opportunity. Go Vikings!

C/1SG Puleo
Alpha Company 1st Sergeant
I am C/1SG Puleo, Aidan, I am the bravo company First Sergeant and I am responsible for taking orders from the company commander and assisting platoon leaders and platoon sergeants. I also help distribute information to platoon leaders and cadets.

C/CPT Gapusan
Bravo Company Commander
I’m C/CPT Gapusan, Franze Clarence, and I’m Hilo High School’s JROTC Bravo Company Commander. I am responsible for the welfare of all the cadets within my company; helping them when there’s trouble. I am also tasked with the distribution of information from our Battalion Command Staff to my company’s lowest-ranking cadet. In addition to JROTC, I am also passionate about photography, exercising, as well as sports, such as wrestling and judo. I am thankful to be a part of this team, the Battalion Command Staff, and I hope we will accomplish great things. Go Vikings!