Hilo High Army JROTC
NCOs vs Officers
What's the difference?
In Army JROTC, NCOs and officers are both leaders with different areas of focus. NCOs handle the day-to-day operations and training of junior cadets, while officers manage overall unit strategy and decision-making. Both roles are essential, with NCOs providing hands-on training, and officers offering a broader perspective. Cadets can learn valuable leadership skills from both, and when working together, they create a cohesive team to effectively lead and mentor junior cadets.
Officer Ranks

Army JROTC provides cadets with the opportunity to learn about the officer ranks of the U.S. Army. The officer ranks in JROTC mirror those of the Army, with Cadet Colonel being the highest rank and Second Lieutenant being the lowest. Cadets can progress through the ranks by demonstrating exceptional leadership skills, academic achievement, and physical fitness. With each rank comes a distinct set of responsibilities and duties, which cadets are expected to master as they advance. By studying officer ranks in Army JROTC, cadets can gain a comprehensive understanding of military structure and prepare themselves for future careers in the armed forces or other fields.

In Army JROTC, cadets learn about the enlisted ranks of the U.S. Army. The enlisted ranks in JROTC follow the same structure as the Army, with the lowest rank being Private and the highest being Command Sergeant Major. As cadets progress through JROTC, they can earn promotions and move up in rank, gaining more responsibility and leadership opportunities. Each rank has its own set of duties and responsibilities, and cadets are expected to demonstrate proficiency in these areas as they advance. Learning about enlisted ranks in Army JROTC can help cadets develop a better understanding of military structure and prepare them for future careers in the armed forces or other fields.