Hilo High Army JROTC

Senior Army Instructor and Advisor
MAJ (Ret.) Jeffery Nason
Major (Retired) Jeffery S. Nason is the Senior Army Instructor for Hilo High School's JROTC program. He was born in Erie, Pennsylvania in 1976 and served in the United States Marine Corps and the Pennsylvania Army National Guard before being commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Signal Corps. He completed his master's degree in Innovative Leadership from Western International University in Phoenix, Arizona in 2009. He has received numerous awards and completed various military training and education courses throughout his over 20 years of service.
Army Instructor (AI)
SFC (Ret.) Dustin Amaral
Sergeant First Class (Retired) Dustin J Amaral is the Army Instructor for Hilo High School’s JROTC
program. He was born in Hilo, Hawaii in 1981 and served in the Hawaii Army National Guard. He has
completed his Associates degree from Hawaii Community College and is currently working on his
Bachelor’s degree at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. He has received numerous awards and completed
various military training and education courses throughout his over 20 years of service.